Saturday 13 December 2008

"Oh my word! are we back to the crunch?

Here we fucking go, the crunch this the crunch that, why are you so obsessed with the crunch?!"

Things that bug me.

• Unnecessary quotation marks, it just makes everything sound like a lie, examples here.
• People who judge me for going to McDonalds, because you know what? I like it.
• People speaking in a language I don't understand while looking at me, it make me nervous, as does waiting to be told my till variance at the end of the day at work.
• People that complain about queues when they decide to shop for cards the week before christmas in a mega cheap card shop on their lunch break, as though no one else will be there.
• Colour v color, why have a different spelling? Also, K v C, Krispy Kremes etc and when people suddenly change the spelling of their names from ending with a y to ending in ie. I just don't get it.
• People who decide it's fine to take what they want from you but then just treat you as an acquaintance that they don't talk to about anything relevant, unless you make them/ask them outright.
• Not being excited about christmas.
• Awkward silences.
• Pressure and responsibility, I'm clumsy and a bit rubbish at important things so it doesn't usually go well.
• My hair, also that hats hardly ever look good on me.

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